26th December 2024

Search Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council

Serving the people of Rampton & Woodbeck

Financial Information

Period of Rights

All items of expenditure above £100

CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy Reports

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for the current Year Ending

  • Untitled

    Notice of Conclusion of Audit for the Year Ending

External Auditors Report

Annual Governance Statements, Accounting Statements & Notice of Public Rights (AGAR)


The Precept is that element of your Council Tax that is paid to Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council.

Every year, the Responsible Financial Officer draws up the Parish Council budgets and calculates how much money is needed for the next Financial Year. These are usually finalised and then agreed by the Councillors at at the December Council meeting and then submitted to Bassetlaw District Council (BDC). BDC co-ordinates the other demands from Nottinghamshire County Council, the Police and themselves and come up with the rate to be paid from 1st April of that year.

Financial Regulations

List of Current Contracts Awarded & Value of Content

At present, the Council has only one regular contractor and that is Acer Landscapes D & C Ltd, who have been appointed to carry out Grounds Maintenance Works.

The value of the contract is £5,136 net.

Location of public land and building assets

The Council owns several pieces of land, buildings and other assets, please see spreadsheet for further details

Historic Financial Information

Historic data pertaining to prior years is stored at Notts Archive in accordance to data storage requirements and policy. This information can be viewed by appointment.

Visiting Nottinghamshire Archives | Inspire - Culture, Learning, Libraries (inspireculture.org.uk)

Last updated: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 12:12